George W. Leetch
State Park Ranger
Department of Parks and Recreation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On April 8, 1968, State Park Ranger George Leetch was notified of an earthquake in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park at Split Mountain Gorge. At the time of the earthquake nine families were camped at Split Mountain, a two mile long canyon with sheer, conglomerate rock walls ranging from 300 to 400 feet high. Realizing the potential danger to the campers, Ranger Leetch immediately went into the gorge and started directing families away from the area. The earthquake caused huge boulders to loosen and crash down the mountainside, smashing vehicles and blocking the exit. Visibility was almost zero. The campers were confused, some were hysterical. While Ranger Leetch was in the gorge trying to reassure the campers, an aftershock caused more boulders to fall and added to the confusion. With the earth still trembling and despite imminent danger to his own safety and life, Ranger George Leetch calmed the people and successfully led them all to safety.