Stanley Meyers
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

Officer Stanley H. Meyers was patrolling the Harbor Freeway on his motorcycle when he received a dispatch about a person on the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Wilmington. Officer Meyers climbed 360 feet up a steel ladder in an unlighted support tower inside a piling to reach the woman just as she reached the same place on a top beam by walking up the bridge expansion cable. The woman was about eight feet above him when he emerged from the hatch at the top of the ladder. The woman was clutching a bible and facing the sea. Officer Meyers grabbed her from behind, locking her arms with his. The woman began crying and begged the officer to leave her alone and let her jump. Officer Meyers decided the best action would be to stay put rather than attempt to bring the woman down. After 25 minutes, the LA City Fire Department arrived and the woman finally agreed to come down. Officer Meyers passed her down to the fireman by holding her by the hands, the fireman took hold of her feet to help her onto the platform and then the woman climbed down the ladder herself.