Donald Woods
Fire Captain (Patrolman)
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Special Act Award (Gold)

On August 2, 1970, Fire Captain (Patrolman) Donald Woods performed and extraordinary act of heroism at great risk to his own safety and life to save the life of a woman trapped by flames of a brush fire. Fire Captain (Patrolman) Donald Woods was investigating the cause and origin of a 2000 acre brushfire near the Olive Dell Nudist Camp between Riche and San Timoteo canyons in Riverside County, California. Fire Fighting Aircraft spotted a female Nudist, 50 year old running toward the fire. She apparently had become confused after rescuing some clothing from her trailer at the nudist camp and ran towards the fire.
Patrolman Woods drove his pick-up through the flames to rescue the woman who was encircled by fire. When he reached the woman she was exhausted and could not help herself, Patrolman Woods had to drag the nude woman off the hillside and, keeping her trailer between her and himself, he dragged the woman around the outside of the trailer until the fire front passed.