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Roger Smith

CHP Officer

California Highway Patrol


Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor

Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor
On Tuesday December 2, 2008, CHP Officer Roger Smith responded to a domestic violence call to provide backup to Tehama County Sheriff's Deputies and another CHP officer already on the scene. Officer Smith picked up radio traffic indicating that the other officers had come under shotgun fire from the subject, and that one of the officers was injured. While rushing to assist, Officer Smith relayed critical information to the communications center. The injured officer, wounded in the femoral artery and bleeding profusely, advised that he was still pinned down and feeling faint. Upon arrival, and realizing the urgency of the situation, Officer Smith positioned his car, rear doors open and still under fire, so as to facilitate the extraction of the injured officer. Having rescued the bleeding officer from the scene, Officer Smith drove him to awaiting medical personnel.