Daniel T. Pierce
Associate Warden
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On the afternoon of June 6, 2023, Associate Warden Daniel Pierce was traveling along Highway 46 returning to Wasco State Prison when he spotted a man frantically waving for help. Seeing a partially submerged vehicle in a canal, Associate Warden Pierce immediately pulled over and without hesitation rushed to the scene where one civilian responder had already arrived. Associate Warden Pierce observed that the responder was struggling to hold onto two individuals who were still inside the canal waters, unable to swim.
Drawing from his experience as a former lifeguard and recognizing the dire situation, Associate Warden Pierce made a quick decision and dove into the canal despite the powerful current that was beginning to move the submerged vehicle downstream. With unwavering determination, he swam against the forceful waters and reached the two individuals who were in severe distress.
Demonstrating extraordinary courage and selflessness, Associate Warden Pierce employed his own body as leverage and skillfully pushed each person up the muddy canal bank to safety.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting the Gold Medal of Valor to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Associate Warden Daniel Pierce for his extraordinary act of heroism extending far above and beyond the normal call of duty.