Luis F. Rodriguez
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

On June 6, 2020, the Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office responded to a call reporting the discovery of illegal weapons and bomb-making materials in an unattended van. At approximately 2:20 p.m., Santa Cruz County Deputies Emma Ramponi and Alex Spencer, along with their Sergeant, Damon Gutzwiller, responded to the scene when they were rapidly ambushed by a subject who began shooting at them from an elevated position. Unknown to them, the subject had recently killed a federal security officer in Oakland and was part of a domestic terrorist organization. Regrettably, Sergeant Gutzwiller was struck by gunfire and suffered a fatal wound. The first allied agency to arrive in the area was the California Highway Patrol with Officers Luis Rodriguez and Michael Christopher Estey. Officer Estey drove the patrol vehicle while Officer Rodriguez navigated to the last known location of the deputies and sergeant. As the officers approached, they too were immediately met with gunfire from the subject, striking their moving patrol vehicle several times. Due to the narrow road and the steep hill on the passenger side, the CHP patrol vehicle was pressed tightly against the hillside. Officer Rodriguez could not open his passenger door, but he saw through his side-view mirror the subject carefully approaching his side of the patrol vehicle, holding a rifle. Officer Rodriguez drew his duty pistol and leaned out of the passenger window while Officer Estey positioned himself to engage the subject with his department-issued firearm, leading to an officer-involved shooting. Thanks to the heroic actions of Officers Rodriguez and Estey, the subject was wounded in the torso and elbow. He retreated from the tactical advantage, fled the scene and was later apprehended by a courageous member of the Ben Lomond community. Although their patrol vehicle was riddled with bullets, Officer Rodriguez was physically unharmed, and Officer Estey received wounds to his hands from metal fragments. Both officers exhibited astonishing courage, decisiveness, presence of mind and swift action that according to the Santa Cruz County District Attorney, saved lives.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting the Gold Medal of Valor to California Highway Patrol, Officer Luis Rodriguez for his extraordinary act of heroism extending far above and beyond the normal call of duty.