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Jerardo Chamalbide

Fresno, Police Sergent



Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor

Jerardo Chamalbide
On Febrary 20, 2007, the anual Mardi Gras celebration in the Tower District was disrupted when a gunman shot and seriously injured a motorcycle officer. Officer Gil Holguin initiated a traffic stop with an individual, 23 years old, for driving in the wrong direction. The individual exited his vehicle and shot Officer Holguin and an innocent woman. Officer Holguin radioed for help, as the individual fled the scene. Officers, alerted by Officer Gil Holguin broadcast, spotted the individual's vehicle and began a pursuit. Sergeant Chamalbide positioned his patrol car directly behind the individual's vehicle. During the pursuit, the individual stopped his vehicle several times, angling it to allow a clear shot at pursuing officers. Each time he fired multiple rounds. One round penetrated Sergeant Chamalbide’s windshield and grazed the tope right-side of his head. With blood running down the side of his face, Sergeant Chamalbide continued to pursue the individual. During the pursuit, the individual also shot Officer Raphael Davis. Less than ten minuets, and four miles, after the pursuit began, the individual stopped his vehicle.Sergeant Chamalbide rammed his patrol car into the individual's vehicle. The individual opened the driver’s door and ignored officers’ commands to show his hands. Fearing for their own safety and that of the public, officers were forced to fire at the individual, ultimately killing him. Because of his selfless actions and bravery in the face of mortal danger in pursuit of this suspect, Sergeant Chamalbide received the 2007 Governor’s Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor.