Robert Rand
California Highway Patrol Officer
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

On August 10, 2008, California Highway Patrol Officer Robert Rand arrived on scene of a suicide attempt in-progress in the City of Laguna Hills. He found CHP Officer Daniel LaRosa and Orange County Sheriff’s deputies holding on to the fingers of a woman who was attempting to jump off the Alicia Parkway overpass above southbound Interstate-5. Officer Rand immediately climbed over the safety fence and negotiated the three-to-four-inch wide ledge 50 – 60 feet above the traffic on I-5 to reach the woman. Orange County Sherriff’s Deputy M. Wehrli followed behind Officer Rand to provide assistance with rescue efforts. Officer Rand grabbed the woman’s right arm just as she broke free from the other officer’s grasp. The woman was now dangling above the freeway and began to flail in an attempt to break free from Officer Rand, but Officer Rand held on to the woman with one hand as Deputy Wehrli held on to Officer Rand.
Orange County Sheriff’s Deputy B. Gunsolley, climbed over the fence and positioned himself on the opposite side of the woman for additional support. Several minutes passed before the Orange County Fire Department arrived with a ladder truck, which successfully removed the woman and officers from the overpass ledge. The woman was then taken into custody by Orange County Sheriff’s Deputies.