Joseph Tronti
California Highway Patrol Officer
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

On August 20, 2008, California Highway Patrol Officer Joseph Tronti and Officer Jason Flores were conducting a routine enforcement stop on a vehicle which came to a stop in the parking lot of a restaurant in Riverside, California. While contacting the occupants of the vehicle, the officers heard the sound of gunfire emanating near the entrance to the restaurant. They saw a male suspect with a handgun shooting toward a group of pedestrians. Officer Tronti immediately charged the suspect with his pistol drawn, yelling “Stop, Police!” The suspect began to briskly walk away, but as Officer Tronti got closer to him, the suspect turned and pointed his pistol toward Officer Tronti. Fearing for his life, Officer Tronti fired his weapon at the suspect. The suspect was struck by a round from Officer Tronti’s gun and was taken into custody after a short foot pursuit.
The actions of Officer Tronti, without regard for his own safety, prevented possible injuries or death to the pedestrians on scene.