Tracy Eugene Armstead
Structural Steel Painter
Department of Transportation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On September 8, 2008, Tracy Eugene Armstead was building a work platform to paint the bridge deck over the Dominguez Channel in Long Beach, when his co-workers - George Bedolla, John Reid, and Ray Guldry - suddenly called out to alert him that they believed a suicidal man was in the water. They had witnessed a man run down the embankment toward the water and purposely jump into the channel in what appeared to be a suicide attempt. Mr. Bedolla ran to his truck to call 911 and then dialed their supervisor for more assistance. After hitting the water, the current moved the suicidal man rapidly downstream. Realizing that the man was drowning, and without regard to his personal safety, Mr. Armstead jumped from the bridge where he was working to come to the aid of the drowning man. Swimming as fast as he could, Mr. Armstead tried to reach the drowning man but could not grasp him due to the strong current and his heavy wet clothing. As the man moved farther away from Mr. Armstead’s reach and due to his own exhaustion of trying to swim in the fast current, Mr. Armstead eventually had to abandon his brave attempt to save the man’s life.
Paramedics arrived shortly thereafter and were able to pull the man from the water and begin CPR. Sadly, the man did not survive.