Cari L. Beetham
Master Sergeant, Chief of Instruction, Military Police
California Military Department
Special Service Award (Silver)

On June 30, 2008, at approximately 7:30 am, in overcast, foggy conditions, Master Sergeant Cari Beetham and Staff Sergeant Christopher Davis were traveling north on Highway 1. As they approached the Camp San Luis Obispo overpass, they witnessed a small sedan lose control, strike the center barrier, and then swerve back across the highway and over the side of the overpass embankment. The driver’s side of the vehicle collided into a tree which stopped the sedan at a 45 degree angle, approximately 30 meters above Chorro Creek.
Master Sergeant Beetham and Staff Sergeant Davis immediately pulled over and rushed to the scene of the accident. Without hesitation, and knowing the sedan was unstable and could possibly slide down the embankment, Staff Sergeant Davis entered the car from the passenger’s side and assessed the woman’s vital signs. The woman was unconscious. Her left arm was pinned between the tree and the driver’s side door, her head and neck were hyper-extended, and her airway was closed off due to the caved in roof on the driver’s side. For over 20 minutes, Staff Sergeant Davis provided life saving aid, by propping her head up to re-open her airway. As the woman went in and out of consciousness, Staff Sergeant Davis treated the woman for shock and continued to reassure her to prevent panic and further injury.
Meanwhile, Master Sergeant Beetham scrambled to find materials to brace the tires in order to prevent the precariously positioned sedan from rolling down the embankment. Master Sergeant Beetham then called 911 emergency services and secured the accident scene by directing and controlling traffic. After fire rescue arrived, Master Sergeant Beetham assisted in moving the sedan and releasing the woman’s arm.
Staff Sergeant Davis continued to hold the woman’s head up while rescue personnel worked from the rear passenger side to remove the woman.
The actions of Master Sergeant Beetham and Staff Sergeant Davis, without regard for their own safety, saved the woman’s life.