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Jose R. Palacio, Jr.

State Traffic Officer

California Highway Patrol


Special Act Award (Gold)

Gold Medal of Valor
State Traffic Officers Jeffrey M. Morris and Jose R. Palacio, Jr., on September 24, 1992, performed acts of heroism at great risk to their personal safety to rescue thirty-one tenants from burning buildings. On the date noted above, at approximately 1:12 a.m. Officers Morris and Palacio observed a large column of smoke in the vicinity of Belmont Avenue and Broadway, Fresno. The Officers observed a carport area located between two multistory buildings engulfed in flames. Only moments after arriving one of the vehicles in the carport exploded. The fire then began to rapidly spread to the rest of the carport and to adjacent buildings. Officer Morris entered the first building and ran up to the third floor where most of the smoke was located. He began shouting and beating on doors to arouse and advise the tenants of the fire. Officer Morris went to each apartment, rapidly checking to see if it was open or occupied. Although the hall was filling with smoke, he continued in this manner until the floor was cleared and began escorting people to safety, Officer Morris then went to the second and first floor and repeated his efforts. Meanwhile Officer Palacio notified CHP dispatch and then ran to the front of the building. One person said there was another building in which the tenants might not be able to get out. Officer Palacio ran to the specified building and entered it. Although he could hardly breathe or see, Officer Palacio started banging on doors and yelling that there was a fire. As the people were leaving, he checked behind them until he was forced out by the smoke and flames. When he was outside, the manager said that everyone had been evacuated but another building needed to be evacuated. Officer Palacio then ran to that building an notified the tenants to evacuate. Once that was accomplished, he ran back to the other building Officer Morris was in and assisted him in checking the first floor. Together they prevented tenants from going back in the buildings and waited for the fire department to arrive. Due to the Officers’ quick actions, they were able to prevent any fatalities or injuries from the fire which became a full second alarm incident.