Michael A. Kerr
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

On July 7, 2001 at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Victorville area was experiencing severe thunderstorms and flash floods. Officer David Bradford observed a pickup truck overturned onto its driver side, submerged in approximately four feet of water. Officer Michael Kerr arrived on the scene just as Ryan Bird, age 14, jumped from the passenger door and the rushing water trapped him against the undercarriage. The Officers realized there were people trapped inside the vehicle. Already on the scene were Caltrans workers Mr. Terry Gillich and Mr. Gary Ratliff and a private citizen Mr. Jim Payne who offered their assistance with the rescue. The pickup truck was being pushed downstream by the current with Ryan Bird screaming for help. The rescuers formed a human chain and entered the water. Three occupants of the overturned pickup, Ryan Bird, Mr. James Milliken, age 75, and Nathan Milliken, age 14, were pulled to safety. Ms. Carrie Milliken, age 70 and Natalie Shoemaker, age 16, were still trapped inside the pickup truck as the water continued to rise. When the pickup truck started to overturn onto its top, Officer Bradford entered the water and positioned himself at a 45-degree angle, pushing against the hood of the truck to keep it from completely overturning while he was submerged up to his neck in water. Ms. Milliken finally climbed out of the truck and jumped into the water, but was immediately pinned to the undercarriage by the swift current. Ms. Shoemaker climbed out of the pickup and successfully jumped to safety. The water began to pull Ms. Milliken alongside the undercarriage and off the back of the pickup truck. Mr. Payne broke from the human chair and dove into the water after her. Mr. Payne reached Ms. Milliken and kept her from being pulled downstream. Mr. Payne and Ms. Milliken were assisted by the Apple Valley Fire Department personnel who arrived on the scene. As the rescuers were retreating to a position of safety, Officer Bradford let go of the pickup truck. He lost his footing and fell into the water. Officer Kerr grabbed hold of Officer Bradford and pulled him to safety. The pickup truck overturned completed onto its top, with the cab completely submerged in the water. All of the victims escaped serious injury.