Gary Ratliff
Caltrans Landscape Leadworker
Department of Transportation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On July 7, 2001 at approximately 2:00 p.m., the Victorville area was experiencing severe thunderstorms and flash floods. Terry Gillich, a Caltrans Equipment Operator II, Gary Ratliff, a Caltrans Landscape Leadworker and a private citizen, Mr. Jim Payne, observed a pickup truck caught in floodwater. It had overturned onto its driver's side. As they went to get a closer look, the truck door opened and Ryan Bird, age 14, started screaming and waving for help. Two Highway Patrol Officers arrived on the scene. Mr. Gillich entered the water in his plow truck to attempt a rescue, but the current was too strong and the plow truck begin sliding sideways. The pickup truck was being pushed downstream by the current with the young man screaming for help. All five rescuers jumped into the water. Mr. Payne helped Mr. Milliken, age 75, who had climbed through the passenger door and fell into the water, the current slamming him against the undercarriage of the truck as it did to Ryan Bird who had also climbed out. Mr. Payne dragged Mr. Milliken to Mr. Ratliff and they pulled him to safety with an officer caring for him. Holding on to the Caltrans vehicle, the men formed a human chain and helped Ryan Bird and Nathan Milliken, age 14, to safety. Mrs. Milliken age 70, and Natalie Shoemaker, 16, were still trapped in the vehicle. The water kept rising and the truck began to overturn. Mrs. Milliken was having a difficult time exiting the vehicle and when she finally climbed out and jumped into the water, she was pinned to the undercarriage by the strong current. Breaking the chain, Mr. Gillich grabbed the grill to help stabilize the vehicle while Mr. Payne, also breaking the chain, fought the current, reached Mrs. Milliken, and kept her from being swept downstream, aided by Apple Valley Fire Department personnel who had just arrived at the scene. Once Mrs. Milliken was out, Natalie Shoemaker quickly exited the truck and jumped to safety. All victims escaped serious injury. After confirming everyone was safe, Mr. Ratliff and Mr. Gillich continued their storm patrol.