Joe Haggard
Fire Crew Foreman
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Special Act Award (Gold)
On September 3, 1966 while battling to control a brush and timber fire near Nevada City Crew Foreman Haggard noticed a sudden change in the fire pattern and attempted to radio a warning to Jerry A. Miller of Grass Valley, a bulldozer operator. Miller was unaware of the shift in the fire front.
Crew Foreman Haggard could not contact Miller. Fully aware of the danger, Haggard hurried along the fire line to warn his fellow worker of the advancing flames
The two men, Crew Foreman Haggard and Dozer Operation Miller were trapped by the blaze. They took cover under a fire-resistant blanket. The oxygen under the blanket was soon used up, and the two men were forced to seek refuge in a nearby irrigation ditch. Both men suffered severe burns.
Fire Crew Foreman Haggard risked his life to aid a fellow firefighter. Though both were badly burned the quick thinking, courage and unselfishness of Fire Crew Foreman Joe G. Haggard saved the other man from almost certain death.