Albert Bayer
Aeronautics Board Chairman
Aeronautics Board
Special Act Award (Gold)

On the afternoon of November 25, 1967, Albert W. Bayer performed an extraordinary act of heroism, at great risk to his own safety and life, in saving the life of another person. A young man became marooned on a narrow rock ledge near Havasu Palms and was unable to descend. The ledge, approximately two feet wide, was completely surrounded by perpendicular cliffs. Becoming aware of the boy’s dangerous situation, and realizing that immediate rescue was imperative because of the unlikelihood of the boy surviving the night, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Office personnel requested Mr. Bayer, who had flown to the area in his helicopter, to attempt the rescue. In the increasing darkness and after several unsuccessful attempts, Mr. Bayer finally succeeded in placing the tips of the helicopter’s skids on the ledge. Although aware of the possibility of a fatal shift in the aircraft’s center of gravity, he instructed the boy to jump aboard. Only great skill and total disregard for his own safety enabled Mr. Bayer to maintain control and prevent serious injury to himself and his passenger while consummating the rescue. The Medal of Valor was presented to Albert W. Bayer for an act of heroism extending far above and beyond the call of duty or service.