Alton Hoxie
Chief Security Officer
Department of Mental Hygiene
Special Act Award (Gold)

Chief Security Officer Alton Hoxie, Frank Brignoli, Assistant Superintendent of Nursing Services and Dr. Allen F. Hendy were at the Patton psychiatric hospital when a gunman, a former patient, arrived with a hostage at the hospital’s admission office at noon. He had come back to Patton “desperate to seek and help and a doctor”. The gunman had already shot his wife and then forced a fellow employee he took as hostage to drive him to a bar in Cucamonga where he shot a family friend. Mr. Hoxie, Mr. Brignoli and Dr. Hendy talked steadily to the ex-patient who was pressing a gun to the hostage’s head. The three eventually quieted the gunman who released the hostage. They continued to talk to the man, “You’ve shot enough people. “ Mr. Brignoli told the gunman, “ If you want help, then give up the gun.” The man then gave up the gun and surrendered to police.