Delbert Denney
District 3 Highway Technician I
Department of Transportation
Special Act Award (Gold)

In the late night hours of November 30, 1969, Delbert Denney, District 3 Highway Technician I, observed his neighbor's house on fire. He ran out and while Mr. Denney did his very best to douse the house with water from a garden hose until the fire department could arrived, he discovered that his neighbor was still inside the building. Mr. Denney entered the burning house and managed to drag the unconscious victim to safety, but while doing so, Mr. Denney himself suffered minor burns. Tragically, the neighbor later died from burns he sustained in the terrible fire. Mr. Denney displayed unparalleled courage in his valiant attempt to save another’s life and put his own life in harm’s way with his truly heroic act.