Peter Sutherland
California Highway Patrol
Special Act Award (Gold)

On June 8, 2005, California Highway Patrol Officers Duane Greaver, Timothy Hall, and Peter Sutherland performed an act of heroism at great risk to their personal safety when they rescued a suspect from his burning vehicle.
At approximately 2:57 p.m., Officer Hall was patrolling southbound on Interstate-5, near Pioneer Boulevard, when he attempted to stop a driver for failing to pass on the right safely. The driver refused to stop and led the officer in a pursuit. During the pursuit, the suspect drove in a reckless manner and caused an injury collision. The suspect attempted to flee the scene of the collision, but due to damage to his vehicle, was unable to do so. The vehicle eventually stalled on the right shoulder of southbound I-5, and the suspect wedged the right side of the vehicle against the concrete abutment of the over crossing and remained inside the vehicle.
Officers Sutherland and Greaver arrived to assist Officer Hall with the arrest of the suspect. The officers repeatedly gave verbal commands for the suspect to exit the vehicle, but the suspect refused. Suddenly, the engine compartment of the suspect’s vehicle burst into flames and the Orange County Fire Department was called. The flames quickly grew to approximately four feet in height and entered the interior of the suspect’s vehicle. Fearing for the safety of the suspect, the officers initiated a rescue operation. Officers Hall, Sutherland, and Greaver approached the vehicle on the driver’s side and again ordered the suspect out of the vehicle. The suspect locked the doors and refused to comply. Officer Sutherland broke out the driver’s side window with his baton and the officers tried to physically remove the suspect. He retreated to the right front passenger seat and wrapped his arms in the seat belt harness.
As the interior of the vehicle caught fire, Officer Greaver entered the vehicle through the passenger side window and pushed the suspect toward the open driver’s side door. The suspect continued to resist but was finally removed by Officers Hall and Sutherland and carried away from the burning vehicle, where he was taken into custody.