Bryan Zollner
Battalion Chief
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Special Act Award (Gold)

On December 26, 1995, CDF Battalion Chief Bryan Zollner performed extraordinary acts of heroism at great personal risk to his safety and life. After returning from a call, Battalion Chief Zollner and Firefighter II Mort Allan spotted a black column of smoke. Realizing they had a fire in progress, they responded code three to the area. The only equipment the two firefighters had with them was their turnout gear and Chief Zollner’s breathing apparatus. As Chief Zollner and Firefighter Allan listened to dispatch, they learned there were victims in a house. As they would be the first on the scene and unable to notify ECC, no one would know they were there. As the two firefighters reached the scene, they observed heavy smoke and fire coming from the front of the house. Chief Zollner and Firefighter Allan donned their turnout gear and headed to the rear of the house. Bystanders told them there was a child in the back bedroom. Chief Zollner dove through the bedroom window with Firefighter Allan following behind. Firefighter Allan grabbed onto Chief Zollner’s pant leg in order to maintain contact with him. Both men came out gasping for air. Chief Zolner went back into the thick black smoke and reappeared requesting Firefighter Allan to get the breathing apparatus. When Firefighter Allan was returning with the breathing apparatus and a water fire extinguisher, a private citizen came around the house with a small lifeless child in his arms. Firefighter Allan instructed the man to take the child to the paramedics standing by and continued on to find Chief Zolner. Chief Zolner was face down on the ground. He told Firefighter Allan he thought there were other victims inside the house. Firefighter Allan and a volunteer Firefighter entered through the back of the house with one hose then a second line was brought in and they continued searching for other victims. No other victims were located. Chief Zollner was taken to the hospital via ambulance with Allan following. Once treated and released, Chief Zollner and Firefighter Allan went to see the child that had been rescued.