Brian Kammer
Heavy Equipment Operator
Department of Transportation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On Tuesday, February 17, 1998 at 2:00 p.m. a CT Equipment Operator (CEO) was installing tire chains on the front left wheel of a snow blower. Brian Kammer, a Heavy Equipment Mechanic (HEM), was running the rear engine of the snow blower to check for oil leaks. The CEO stepped in front of the left front tire with his back to a spinning jackshaft that powered the snow blower auger. As the CEO turned to back away from the tire, his coat sleeve came into contact with the flange at the end of the jackshaft and the CEO was pulled into the spinning shaft. Mr. Kammer was walking around the snow blower when he saw the CEO “bouncing around” in front of the tire. Mr. Kammer pulled the CEO away from the machine, called for help, and administered first aid to the employee’s profusely bleeding arm. Mr. Kammer realized the man was going into shock so he continued to talked to him until the EMT’s arrived. Brian Kammer then moved the equipment for the rescue helicopter-landing pad. The CEO was airlifted to a local hospital where he underwent surgery to repair torn tendons and arteries.
By quickly pulling Mr. Kammer from the rotating jackshaft and rendering immediate first aid to the victim, Mr. Kammer placed his personal safety or possibly his own life at risk by reaching into the large, sharp, heavy metal jackshaft to pull the victim free. The incident also served to confirm the extremely unsafe procedure of CalTRANS personnel attempting to perform any work on or about the snow blower before the equipment was completely shut down. As a result of a subsequent Cal/OSHA investigation into the accident, it was recommended that special guards should be installed on the exposed snow blower jackshafts as a protective, safety measure.
By quickly pulling Mr. Kammer from the rotating jackshaft and rendering immediate first aid to the victim, Mr. Kammer placed his personal safety or possibly his own life at risk by reaching into the large, sharp, heavy metal jackshaft to pull the victim free. The incident also served to confirm the extremely unsafe procedure of CalTRANS personnel attempting to perform any work on or about the snow blower before the equipment was completely shut down. As a result of a subsequent Cal/OSHA investigation into the accident, it was recommended that special guards should be installed on the exposed snow blower jackshafts as a protective, safety measure.