Randall Weatherhead
Chief Warrant Officer Three
California Army National Guard
Special Service Award (Silver)
At approximately 8:30 pm on June 26, 2008, Army National Guard personnel were preparing to conduct a short, Night Vision Goggle helicopter training mission in the Sacramento vicinity, when the call came in requesting support in a 10,000 foot rescue mission in the John Muir Wilderness. Earlier that day, a Boy Scout troop was crossing a stream in the remote Wilson Lake area of eastern Fresno County, when a 10 ton boulder rolled and trapped a fourteen-year-old boy’s leg between it and another boulder. Most of the crew assembled by Officer Weatherhead for the planned short training mission had already been on duty almost 12 hours. This mission would be challenging because the altitude for the rescue was at 10,000 feet which provided a reduced power capability, smoke from a nearby fire restricted visibility, the crew was starting the mission at a time they would normally be going home, and the darkness required use of Night Vision Goggles. In spite of all of this, the crew agreed to the mission and immediately began planning.
The helicopter crew departed Mather at 10:10 pm and arrived at the Fresno airport at 11:20 pm where they picked up a CAL FIRE rescue employee and equipment. At 12:35 am, the crew departed Fresno under Night Vision Goggles. They located the victim, conducted a recon of the landing zone and landed at approximately 1:15 am. While Officer Weatherhead stayed with the aircraft, the remainder of the crew, carrying the rescue equipment and using only head lamps and compasses, set out under total darkness through treacherously steep rocky terrain to find the Boy Scout. After nearly three hours of rescue efforts, they were able to move the 10 ton boulder enough to free the boy’s leg. They administered medical aid and carried the boy for more than an hour back to the helicopter. After being awake for 24 hours, the crew arrived at the Fresno airport at approximately 6:10 am and the Boy Scout was then transported to the hospital.
The crew’s actions, without regard for their personal safety, saved this young boy’s life.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting Chief Warrant Officer Three Randall Weatherhead, Chief Warrant Officer Two Cole Gould, Sergeant First Class Kelly Hughes, and Staff Sergeant Rob Walters, these Silver Medals of Valor for their extraordinary acts of heroism extending far above and beyond the normal call of duty or service.