Bill Fisher
Fire Captain
Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Special Act Award (Gold)
On March 10, 1995, at approximately 9 p.m. during a 36-hour winter storm affecting the coastal City of Morro Bay, CDF Fire Captain Bill Fisher, a swift-water rescue instructor for CDF/County Fire was summoned to lead the rescue of a victim who was stranded 50 yards from the closest bank and clinging precariously to a debris pile in the mouth of Morro Creek. Captain Fisher performed extraordinary acts of heroism at great personal risk to his safety and life. Access to the victim was impeded by swift water, waves, tidal surges, and floating debris, including whole trees. Due to inclement weather, a helicopter rescue was not possible. Captain Fisher, despite feeling ill, donned his rescue equipment and along with a Harbor Department lifeguard, began the arduous task of rescuing the victim from the debris pile. Captain Fisher and the lifeguard entered the water in tandem to support each other against the swift current, and cautiously waded out to the victim. Once they reached the victim they were able to tie a rope to the debris pile. A Zodiac boat was tethered to another rope and sent over to the rescuers. Fisher and the lifeguard placed a life jacket on the victim, loaded him into the boat, and all were pulled to the safety of the shore by support personnel. All the while during the rescue, large piles of debris with full-sized pine trees, oak trees, and refrigerators floated past crashing into the surf. The major concern for the rescuers was the fear of being hit by a large tree or getting caught up underneath one. To make matters worse, the combination of rain, rushing water and crashing sea made communications between the rescuers and the victim impossible. Further, the only light available was provided by the Coast Guard who had to shoot up flares to light the area. Despite the treacherous conditions, and the possibility of being pulled into the debris pile, the actions of CDF Fire Captain Bill Fisher stand as testimony to the quality and courage of the everyday CDF Firefighter.