Dave Manzeck
Fire Engineer-Paramedic
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor

A 9-1-1 caller reported a vehicle upside down in the Walnut Creek flood channel with victims trapped inside and other victims possibly floating downstream. The Incident Commander immediately called additional units to positions along the canal who spotted two victims in the swift current. A California Highway Patrol helicopter and utility van also arrived with two rescue swimmers.
While the helicopter crew began setting up their winch operation, a victim went over a low head dam. Rescuers breached the fence and tossed several throw bags to the victim who was now caught in the boil line. The helicopter attempted to lower a rescue ring to the victim without success. The helicopter then lowered Fire Engineer/Paramedic Manzeck on a hoist (via a flotation cinch ring) to an area between the face of the dam and the boil line where he was able to reach the victim under water. He then pushed the victim downstream in order to get her out of the boil. The helicopter hoisted Manzeck, still attached to the rescue collar, out of the water and re-lowered him just upstream of the victim who was now unconscious. He lifted the victim out of the water with one arm, dislocating his shoulder, and took her to shore. The 74-year-old victim was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. She eventually regained consciousness, and went home a few days later.