Tyler Carlton
California Highway Patrol Officer
California Highway Patrol
Special Service Award (Silver)
On September 4, 2012, at approximately 8:20 a.m., California Highway Patrol Officer Tyler Carlton was behind a jeep in heavy traffic on Interstate 680 in Alamo, preparing to initiate a traffic stop. His partner, Kenyon Youngstrom, was standing along the right shoulder just ahead, clearing a hazard from the lanes. Officer Carlton radioed Officer Youngstrom that he was approaching and intended to make an enforcement stop.
When Officer Youngstrom saw the jeep, he directed the driver to pull over to the right shoulder and the driver complied. As Officer Youngstrom approached the driver’s window to make contact, Officer Carlton pulled in behind and got out of his patrol vehicle. After a short conversation with Officer Youngstrom, the driver suddenly reached behind the right front seat, pulled out a handgun, and shot him. Officer Youngstrom fell to the ground into the traffic lane. Officer Carlton witnessed the attack and fired several rounds at the driver as he moved towards his severely injured partner. Traffic came to a grinding halt as Officer Carlton vigorously performed CPR and rescue breathing in an attempt to save his partner’s life.
Officer Youngstrom was transported to a medical center and placed on life support. Regrettably, he succumbed to his injuries the next day, however, due to Officer Carlton’s heroic lifesavings efforts, Officer Youngstrom’s family was able to gather by his side and say good-bye. And per his wishes, Officer Youngstrom’s organs were donated to seven recipients, ultimately saving their lives.
Officer Youngstrom was transported to a medical center and placed on life support. Regrettably, he succumbed to his injuries the next day, however, due to Officer Carlton’s heroic lifesavings efforts, Officer Youngstrom’s family was able to gather by his side and say good-bye. And per his wishes, Officer Youngstrom’s organs were donated to seven recipients, ultimately saving their lives.