Joe J. Martinez
Caltrans Equipment Operator II
Department of Transportation
Special Act Award (Gold)

On December 21, 2010, at approximately 6:30 p.m., Caltrans employees Brian Borella, Joe J. Martinez, and Alberto P. Miramontes began their storm patrol shifts on State Route 330 in the San Bernardino Mountains where heavy rain had been falling for 24 hours. Mudslides were occurring and rocks were falling onto the roadway at numerous locations. At approximately 3:00 a.m. on December 22, the men requested the route be closed for the safety of the traveling public.
As the crew began closing the route, there were still 10 -15 vehicles on the road with approximately 20 people inside and the crew realized they would have to lead the motorists out. Severe slides over six feet high rendered the roadway impassable in several locations and the men had to stop their vehicles, punch holes in the mud and rock blockages, and escort the motorists through. Large rocks were falling and striking the vehicles; debris was raining down on them as well. The roadway was visibly failing in two locations, yet due to Mr. Borella, Mr. Martinez and Mr. Miramontes, everyone made it out safely. It took six months to repair the road.