Daniel Rosa
Department of Justice
Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor

On February 12, 2013 a team of deputies had tracked fugitive Christopher Dorner to cabin in the snowy Angelus Oak terrain. Charged with home invasion, Domer had spent the previous week avoiding capture and exchanging fire with law enforcement, killing on Riverside Police officer. Barricaded in the cabin, Domer shot two more deputies who’d been approaching the cabin. After witnessing Domer shoot two more deputies who’d been approaching the cabin, deputies Musella, Lopez, and Ross shot suppressing fire to prevent Domer from further shooting at the downed men. Musella and Ross deployed smoke canisters to conceal the downed deputies. To gain tactical advantage, Musella ran 50 yards in the open to a nearby building while Lopez and Ross rushed from cover to drag the down officers to safety. Tragically one of the wounded officers succumbed to his injuries and died. However, the other deputy survived and has fully recovered and returned to work.