Aaron Schaad
Correctional Officer
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Special Act Award (Gold)
On May 24, 2017, at 10:20 a.m., in the Pelican Bay State Prison outdoor exercise yard, holding approximately three hundred inmates, a one-on-one fight started. Correctional officers responded to the fight to stop the incident. While responding staff were attempting to quell the incident, approximately 130 inmates began rushing and attacking the officers. Officer Aaron Schaad witnessed an officer being overwhelmed, taken to the ground, and assaulted by several inmates. Knowing the violence was an immediate threat to his life and the lives of other officers, Officer Schaad utilized several swings from his state-issued baton to stop the attack. Not long after, the inmates in front of Officer Schaad assumed a prone position and Officer Schaad turned his attention to the officer on the ground that appeared to be unconscious. Officer Schaad grabbed ahold of the officer's uniform and dragged him a few feet before the officer gained consciousness and Officer Schaad was able to tell him that he needed to get up. Officer Schaad and another officer were able to get the semi-conscious officer to a nearby handball court and off the yard where staff were able to render aid. Officer Schaad then returned to the yard and joined the skirmish line.
With no regard for his own safety, Officer Schaad’s heroic act saved the lives of fellow officers and inmates in the face of a large prison fight.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting this Gold Medal of Valor to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Correctional Officer Aaron Schaad.