April Esconde
Wildlife Officer
Department of Fish and Wildlife
Special Service Award (Silver)
On June 2, 2020, Wildlife Officer April Esconde was on patrol at the Naval Amphibious Base Coronado training beaches located in the City of Coronado. As she was driving south on the beach towards the Silver Strand State Beach, she heard someone screaming. With the aid of her binoculars, Officer Esconde observed a woman caught in a rip tide. As she drove to the beach, she advised dispatch to send lifeguards to her location.
Upon arrival, a man approached Officer Esconde, pointed out towards the surf and told her that someone was in trouble. Officer Esconde contacted dispatch and asked for a State Park lifeguard to come to her location. Officer Esconde waited but did not hear sirens or lights from a State Park vehicle.
Officer Esconde looked back towards the victim, who was still struggling in the surf. Not wanting to wait any longer, Officer Esconde removed her safety equipment, stowed it in her vehicle and rushed to the woman’s aid. Officer Esconde swam out to the struggling victim and pulled her back to shallower waters. The woman thanked Officer Esconde and said she was okay on her own. However, once Officer Esconde let go of her, she started to flounder in the water. Officer Esconde grabbed the woman again and escorted her to the shoreline where State Park lifeguards were waiting.
The responding lifeguard checked the victim for injures and asked if she needed additional medical assistance, but the victim refused and left the scene.
With no regard for her own safety, Officer Esconde went above and beyond the call of duty.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting this Silver Medal of Valor to Department of Fish and Wildlife Officer April Esconde.