Christopher Beehner
State Park Peace Officer
Department of Parks and Recreation
Special Act Award (Gold)
On the morning of November 9, 2018, State Park Peace Officer Christopher Beehner was called in to respond to the Camp Fire in Butte County. Working a 16-hour day, Officer Beehner helped evacuate more than 300 homes in Paradise, Magalia and Concow while the fire raged.
After helping evacuate Paradise and Concow, Officer Beehner was assigned, along with Officer Zackery Chambers, to help evacuate Magalia. When they got to Magalia, they met a group of Butte County sheriff deputies completing evacuations. Shortly after the two officers arrived, the intense fire threatened to cut off all of the routes out of Magalia. All the officers, except Officer Chambers and Officer Beehner, evacuated the area. The two officers stayed in Magalia to evacuate as many people as they could, in spite of the risk of being trapped by the fire.
While rescuing people in Magalia, Officer Beehner was continuously confronted with flames and downed trees. He faced these dangerous challenges and found ways to safely prevent the residents and himself from being trapped by the fire. Although well aware of the number of lives already lost to the fire, Officer Beehner was determined and tireless in his efforts to save as many lives as he could.
With no regard for his own safety, Officer Beehner went above and beyond the call of duty.
The State of California takes great pride in presenting the Gold Medal of Valor to California Department of Parks and Recreation State Park Peace Officer Christopher Beehner.